Muslim Katib is the pen name of a Muslim writer and a journalist.

Politics of Religion: Unraveling how Muslims shaped Ghana’s political history

Embedded within Ghana’s rich mosaic of cultures and histories lies a compelling narrative of how Muslims have shaped the nation’s political trajectory. As Ghana transitioned from pre-colonial kingdoms through colonial

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Geographic distribution of Ghana’s Muslim population

The Muslim population of Ghana is estimated to be about 6,108,530, according to the 2021 Population and Housing Census Data released by the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS). This makes up

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Muslims in Ghana whose death shocked Ghanaians in 2023

From Allah we came, and to him we shall return. In honour of the memory of our Muslim brothers and sisters who returned to Allah during the year 2023, we

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11 common misconceptions about Islam and Muslims in Ghana

some Ghanaian Muslims tend to suffer from misconceptions about their own faith due to lack of education about the religion.

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5 Islamic practices that protect the environment

As nations marked World Environment Day on June 5 and Ghanaians mark Green Ghana Day on June 9, we look at some five Islamic teachings that promote environmental conservation

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Jamila Dawud: the muslim scholar who studied english without going to school

Without secular education at the basic level, it is almost a certainty that one could not take full advantage of opportunities that acquiring a school certificate brings in terms of good job opportunities, and a good social life.  

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Common signs of haram activities for muslims in Ghana

For a country like Ghana that has a constitution centred on the ethos of secularism and most citizens not being Muslims, it would be rare to find state apparatus enforcing

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7 forbidden acts of intimacy for Muslim couples

Some Muslim couples have continuously misconstrued the Quranic verse that described women as “gardens for men” to mean to do as they please regardless of sanctioned rules or regulations pertaining to sexual intimacy which is regarded in Islam as a form of worship

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5 things not to say about polygamous marriage to Muslim women

It must be admitted that polygyny (the accepted form of polygamy in Islam) is difficult for women with unguarded jealousy for love, wealth, and status.

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20 common Muslim names that Ghanaians have corrupted

It is not an uncommon ritual for expectant young Muslim couples to surf the internet, scramble the passages of the Quran to get a soothing name, or name children after influential personalities that parents want to honour.

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