Elon Musk’s courtship with the Right: a global danger
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THE RECENT abusive outbursts and unguarded inflammatory statements by Elon Musk have earned him criticism from European political leaders. Clearly, some of them, like French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre, seem to understand the danger that Elon Musk poses to their domestic or national politics.

Excluding domestic impacts, Elon Musk seems to be providing a platform to global right-wing extremists who have been making efforts to raise their fang-studded heads in today’s West—whether he is deliberately doing this or not is the question that he may answer himself.

The important point to note is that, with Musk as the chairman and chief technology officer of X (formerly Twitter), and the clear reach of his platform, his alluring dance to appease right-wing extremists may birth a bigger problem for the West in the long run.

Musk as an echo chamber of dangerous misinformation

Musk’s direct and indirect support for right-wing extremists is visible in recent statements and endorsements. His framing of the despicable and condemnable problem of sexual abuse and exploitation of minors as an immigrant, Muslim, or British-Pakistani problem serves more to give a voice to right-wing extremists than actual justice for the victims.

Throwing his weight behind the convicted right-wing extremist Tommy Robinson, Elon Musk, in a repost, campaigned:

‘Why is Tommy Robinson in a solitary confinement prison for telling the truth? He should be freed, and those who covered up this travesty should take his place in that cell.’

To the ignorant, Tommy Robinson, if we follow the dangerous logic of Musk, is unjustly serving his time in gaol. However, nothing could be further from the truth. According to multiple sources, Robinson, whose full name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, is serving his 18-month jail time after admitting to contempt of court.

He was also found guilty in the libel case against the then 16-year-old Jamal Hijazi, whom he falsely described as “not innocent and “violently attacks young English girls in his school.”.

For those who may not know, the suspect in the attack on Hijazi has reportedly been exposed to different far-right materials, including incitements by Tommy Robinson online, where he claimed, “lots of Muslim gangs are beating up White English kids.”.

This incitement must have directly influenced the radical and erratic behaviours that eventually led to an assault on Hijazi and his sister.

Tommy Robinson, who has earned support from Elon, has also been convicted of a series of crimes due to his history of violence.

Between 2005 and 2014, Robinson was convicted in about four cases, which included:

● mortgage fraud;

● impersonation due to travelling on another man’s passport that saw him enter the United States of America illegally;

● possession of drugs; and

● breach of court order.

The dangerous influence of his false accusations and rhetoric that Muslims intend to take over Britain or are deliberately targeting young White girls despite a series of condemnations against sexual exploitation by Muslim religious leaders portrays not only Robinson as a danger to the public but Musk, too.

Elon Musk’s tacit dismissal of the fact that Muslim leaders in the United Kingdom have variously denounced and condemned the atrocious criminal acts against minors in the United Kingdom serves more to show his dishonesty and suggest his right-wing leanings.

In Germany, Elon Musk is also courting the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) political party. The party believes that Muslims are ‘a danger to our state, our society, and our values.’.

In a clear interference, Musk blatantly reposted:

‘The traditional political parties in Germany have utterly failed the people.AfD is the only hope for Germany.’

This was soon followed by his provision of a platform to Alice Weidel, the co-leader of AfD. In 2024, AfD was described as Germany’s far-right political party.

The party has also been developing an interest in populist radical right topics: migration, Europe, and Islam, through which it has transformed into a populist radical right party.

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Not satisfied with labelling Muslims and asylum seekers as a threat to Germany, the party is also interested in abolishing the chairs of Islamic theology at German universities, which they think should be transferred to confessionally neutral Islamic studies.

The bigger picture: Elon Musk and global supremacists

The media has been well understood as a tool that can influence the masses and nudge public opinion in different directions. While the media may be seen as neutral, its politicisation through dangerous rhetoric in the hands of dangerous men can negatively upset the polity or create dangers that can consume all of us.

With Musk’s romance with the far right across the West and his access to the masses through his platform, it is instructive that we take cognisance of the fact that the West may be tilting towards another socio-political cliff that has led to insurrection in the past.

In 2011, when Anders Behring Breivik murdered 77 innocent people in a combined bomb-and-mass-shooting attack, his reasons were not so different from those espoused by other right-wing terrorists—he wanted to stop Muslims from “seizing power” or “multiculturalism” in Europe.

Breivik revealed that he ‘came in contact with Serbian cultural conservatives through the internet, where his radical views were polished—the same way Tommy Robinson is believed to have inspired the suspect in the attack on Hijazi. Breivik also boasted that people with his ideological leaning are willing to ‘strike again and again.’.

Similar right-wing utterances and actions have since inspired others. In 2017, members of Oldschool Society, a far-right terrorist group, were arrested after planning to bomb the homes of foreigners, refugees, and others in Germany. They had hitherto expressed their hatred towards foreigners on social media. 

In 2018, Brenton Tarrant, an Australian white supremacist, struck in New Zealand, where he killed more than 40 Muslims in mosques. Since then, there have been attacks, killings, or threats in the hands of right-wing extremists in the USA, Finland, Italy, Latvia, and Norway, to mention a few.

Musk, the new harbinger of the pan-supremacist virus

With the use of his platform and his regurgitation of White supremacist tropes, Musk is providing a unifying front for what seems to be a pan-Right-wing or “supremacist” resurgence across the globe. He has targeted the former First Minister of Scotland as a racist who ‘loathes White people.’

He nonchalantly posted that ‘a lot of schools are teaching White boys to hate themselves’ in response to a post by Not The Bee.

With his newfound success and influence in the United States of America under Trump, which demonstrates his ascending influence in U.S. politics, Elon Musk is seeking to recreate a similar stir across the Atlantic.

This is a step towards igniting a spark that would engulf not only Europe but other countries, especially his birth country of South Africa.

Born in South Africa during one of the peak periods of apartheid, Elon Musk might have been influenced by the belief in White supremacy, where it was once stated that the motto was to “maintain White supremacy for all time to come.”. The vestige of ethnic tension is still felt in South Africa today, decades after the wall of apartheid and White supremacy crumbled.

Musk has repeated the dangerous myth of White Genocide in South Africa in recent times while the native African population continues to lament the lack of sufficient access to land and other economic opportunities.

With the return of Donald Trump and Musk’s persistent appeal to right-wing supremacists, it may not be an exaggeration to bring attention to Musk as a potentially new harbinger of another century of possible ethno-nationalist catastrophes in multicultural countries around the world while intending to fend off the conspiratorial Great Replacement Theory.

“Originally posted by Independent Australia”

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